1. Switch to the satellite basemap
2. Open your browser's developer tools
- Chrome: Press Control+Shift+I (Windows, Linux) or Command+Option+I (Mac) to open DevTools on the page. In DevTools, click the Network tab.
- Firefox: Press CTRL Shift E
3. With the Developer Tools window open, hover over your map and zoom in to your area of interest. The Developer Tools network panel will display all requests made by the zoom event.
4. From the list of requests that appear, look for those named a02313101032XXXXX.jpg
. These are the image tiles for the satellite basemap.
5. Click on one of the tiles in the list, and select the Preview tab to see the image tile.
6. Once you have found the tile showing the area of interest, open the Headers tab and scroll to the Response Headers section and find the attribute X-VE-TILEMETA-CaptureDatesRange
The dates listed for this attribute indicate the date range of capture for this area.
eg. 11/21/2015-11/27/2017