The Equations feature in Mango lets you extract even more insight from your data by performing basic mathematical functions using numerical attribute variables, or a mixture of numeric attributes variables and fixed values.
You can insert an equation in to the custom popup editor to add value to your map user’s experience, configure an interactive calculator popup, or include an equation in a query report.
In a Custom Popup, an equation can provide additional insights to the underlying attribute data.
Constructing an equation
The operator must be wrapped in hashed curly brackets: #{ equation goes here }#
. Each value in the equation should be wrapped in single quotes '
or double quotes "
Equations can perform elementary arithmetic operations:
+ (addition)
− (subtraction)
/ (division)
* (multiplication)
For example, you have a census tract data containing three numeric attribute fields: {total_population}
, workforce
, and employed
, and you want to report the unemployment rate for queried or selected tracts. As this is a simple percentage equation, we can approach the equation in the same way we might perform an equation in Excel: ( foo / bar ) * 100
Percentage of total population in the workforce:
#{ ( '{workforce}' / '{total population}' ) * '100' }#
Percentage of people in the workforce who are employed:
#{ ( '{employed}' / '{workforce}' ) * '100' }#
Percentage of people in the workforce who are unemployed:
#{ '100' - ( '{employed}' / '{workforce}' ) * '100' }#
Equations can also perform conditional arguments and format both equation output, as well as modify the display formatting of any numeric attribute.
Formatting output
Thousand separators
By default, equation outputs will be a raw, unformatted value. For example, a percentage equation may return many decimal places which may not be desirable.
To add the default number formatting for the user's location for a single numeric attribute:
#{ ('{numeric_attribute}').toLocaleString() }#
To add the default number formatting for the user's location for a basic equation:
#{ ('{numeric_attribute_a}' / '{numeric_attribute_b}').toLocaleString() }#
Add a $ in front of the equation, and you'll have a currency formatted number.
$#{ ('{numeric_attribute}').toLocaleString() }#
Customise the number format with language sensitive digit and decimal separators by in. For example, French:
#{ ({'numeric_attribute}').toLocaleString('fr-FR') }#
This will also work with basic equations, just wrap the equation in the first set of parenthesis:
#{ ('{attribute_x}' * '{attribute_y}').toLocaleString() }#
#{ ( ('{attribute_x}' * '{attribute_y}') / '{attribute_z}' ).toLocaleString() }#
Learn more about LocaleString formatting →
In this example, we take the totals of two variables males
and totalpop
and perform a basic equation to reveal the percentage:
#{ ( '{males}' / '{totpop}' ) * '100' }#%
= 53.5257974219999965725946822%
Note that by default, the full length of the decimals in the result will be displayed. To control decimal places, you can:
Round the calculation's output using the Math.round(a) method:
#{ Math.round( ( {males} / {totpop} ) * '100' ) }#%
= 54%
Specify the number of decimal places you require using the (a).toFixed(n) method:
#{ (( '{males}' / '{totpop}' ) * '100' ).toFixed(0) }#%
= 54%
#{ (( '{males}' / '{totpop}' ) * '100' ).toFixed(2) }#%
= 53.54%
#{ (( '{males}' / '{totpop}' ) * '100' ).toFixed(8) }#%
= 53.52579742%
Methods such as.toFixed
are case sensitive
Mango lets you compose conditional (if/then) statements that provide context to each query, helping the audience understand the results.
#{ '{attribute}' >= '5' ? 'True' : 'False' }#
Learn more about conditionals →
Javascript Math function reference
the absolute value of a
arc cosine of a
arc sine of a
arc tangent of a
arc tangent of a/b
integer closest to a and not less than a
cosine of a
exponent of a (Math.E to the power a)
integer closest to a, not greater than a
log of a base e
the maximum of a and b
the minimum of a and b
a to the power b
pseudorandom number 0 to 1
integer closest to a
sine of a
square root of a
tangent of a