• The Beginner’s Guide to GIS
    New to GIS? Don’t know where to start? This beginners guide to GIS provides all the information that you need to understand what GIS is, and how it can be a great asset for you, and your organisation. As you are here, I’m guessing that the term GIS or web ... Continue reading 🡒
  • What is GIS?
    GIS stands for “Geographic Information System”. GIS is a very broad term, and trying to get a consistent definition can be tricky. Ask ten different GIS users and you will likely get ten different answers. It could be argued (and the propeller heads often d... Continue reading 🡒
  • GIS Mapping
    A GIS has one purpose: To allow you to quickly and easily answer questions about your data that relate to location. The most common use of a GIS is is to produce data visualisations in the form of a map. The idea being that each visualisation is communicati... Continue reading 🡒
  • GIS Data
    Now we understand what a GIS is and what is can do, the next step is to understand how a GIS is made. But first you need to take a crash course in GIS data. If you think the term GIS is vague, then you haven’t seen anything yet. There are a dizzying array o... Continue reading 🡒
  • Sourcing & Preparing GIS Data
    Sometimes you will be lucky and have all of the data required for your maps up front. In other cases you will need to source and prepare data from a third party source. A common task is taking data that contains location information such as an address or zi... Continue reading 🡒
  • GIS Software
    With so many GIS software solutions available on the market, how do we even begin choosing which one to use? In this chapter we will give you the background knowledge that you need in order to answer that questions for yourself. For those of you that have t... Continue reading 🡒
  • Web GIS
    The Internet has revolutionized GIS. GIS is no longer too expensive, too complicated or too isolated. It’s now easy to create engaging interactive web maps in minutes, and what’s more, they can be shared with anyone, anywhere, on any device. We always knew ... Continue reading 🡒