Mango supports File Geodatabase with one or more layers.
- Mango supports FileGDB’s created with ArcGIS 10 and above.
- The FileGDB folder must be zipped before it can be uploaded.
Dataset handling
A File GDB that contains multiple layers will be imported as a separate datasets in your Mango account for each layer.
Common FileGDB upload errors
Uploading a file geodatabase may fail if your File GDB was created with ArcGIS 9.x or earlier.
To check the geodatabase version, open ArcCatalog, browse to the GDB and go to properties. If your GDB is older than your software version, click the Upgrade Geodatabase button to upgrade it.
Note: Mixed coordinate systems
If your File Geodatabase contains several feature datasets that use different coordinate systems, all layers will load in Mango, but only one coordinate system will be applied.
This may cause some layers to draw in the wrong geographic location. We recommend only uploading file GDBs that have all layers based on the same coordinate system.