Easily share any place or feature and create public or private bookmarks to highlight points of interest.
Mango’s share and bookmark tool allows you to quickly and easily share any location or map feature with just a click.
The Share & Bookmark tool is enabled by default when creating maps. If a map is set to hidden or password protected, you may want to disable the sharing tool to prevent unwanted sharing of your map’s URL.
Sharing features, places, or sketches
Share a feature
Sharing a feature creates a feature permalink URL that will open the map with the selected feature highlighted and the feature popup active.
- Click on the desired feature to open the feature popup.
- Click the Share feature button in the feature popup.
- Choose your preferred method of sharing the feature. You can copy the direct URL, or share via email, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn with a single click.
Sharing a feature creates a feature permalink. In addition to the click to share option, it is possible to programmatically create these links for use within feature popups using attribute variables, or to use in external websites or emails.
To learn how to create custom permalinks, please see the article Linking to features with Feature permalinks.
Share a place
Sharing a place lets you quickly share a map with anyone. You can choose whether to share the map with its default position, zoom, and active layers, or with the current position, zoom and active layers.
- Position the map at the desired zoom level and position, and select which map layers you want active by toggling them on or off in the map legend.
- Click the from the action bar at the top of your map.
- Set your preferred map view – default or current – by selecting from the radio buttons.
- Choose your preferred method of sharing the feature. You can copy the direct URL, or share via email, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn with a single click.
Sharing a place creates a hash parameter URL. These URL's can be customised for use within feature popups, or shared externally on a website or in an email to allow users to load the map at a desired location.
To learn more about customising a place link, please see the article Linking to specific coordinate locations.
Share a sketch
Sharing a sketch creates a sketch URL that will open the map at the extents of the sketch, and the sketch info panel open.
- Click on the desired sketch from the recent sketches tab in the legend.
- Click the Share feature button in the sketch info popup.
- Choose your preferred method of sharing the feature. You can copy the direct URL, or share via email, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn with a single click.
Bookmark a place, feature, or sketch
The bookmark tool allows you to create public or private bookmarks of places, features, or sketches, and can be used to create a list of useful points of interest. Bookmarks are accessed via the icon on the tools panel.
Private bookmarks can only be seen by you. Public bookmarks are available to anyone that can access your map.
Only signed in users can create private bookmarks.
Creating bookmarks can be achieved in several ways, depending on the type of bookmark you wish to create.
Bookmark a place
- Click on the icon on the action bar at the top of your map.
- Give your bookmark a name and description.
- If you want your bookmark to be private – only accessible to you – uncheck the box “Make this bookmark visible to others”. Bookmark visibility inherits map view permissions, so if a user can see a map, they can also see a bookmark when this checkbox is selected.
- Click Save to my bookmarks
Bookmark a feature
- Click on the feature you wish to bookmark to open the popup
- Click on the Bookmark button on the feature popup
- Give your bookmark a name and description
- If you want your bookmark to be private – only accessible to you – uncheck the box “Make this bookmark visible to others”. Bookmark visibility inherits map view permissions, so if a user can see a map, they can also see a bookmark when this checkbox is selected.
- Click Save to my bookmarks
Bookmark a sketch
- Open or create a sketch
- Click on the Bookmark button on sketch panel
- Give your bookmark a name and description – by default the sketch name and description are used, but you can change these to suit your needs
- If you want your bookmark to be private – only accessible to you – uncheck the box “Make this bookmark visible to others”. Bookmark visibility inherits map view permissions, so if a user can see a map, they can also see a bookmark when this checkbox is selected.
- Click Save to my bookmarks
Configuring the Share & Bookmark tool is quick and easy.
- Open the Toolbox in your map editor, and click on the Information and Display tab.
- Enable the tool by switching the toggle to ON
Now you and your map users can share and bookmark any feature, place, or sketch