This article relates to accounts created under the Mango Partner program.
Mango offers the option to allow your clients to interact with Mango support.
If you want your clients to receive support directly from Mango, enable the client support option when creating or editing a client account.
To enable support, select "This client can receive support directly from Mango" when creating or editing a client.
If you prefer your clients to not be able to initiate support requests with the Mango team, disable support access by selecting “This client will not receive support directly from Mango” when creating or editing a client account.
If you intend to white label the client account, we recommend disabling Mango Support access.
Clients who are eligible to receive support from Mango may from time to time receive messages from the Mango team, including feature release updates, newsletters, and scheduled maintenance announcements.
Clients who are not eligible to receive support will not have a support widget to initiate support requests with Mango, and will see a message referring them to their map provider (you) for all support needs.