Segment add-on Users into groups that can be assigned permissions to view and modify maps, and view and edit data.
Adding Groups
To create a new group, open the Users & Groups panel from your administration sidebar.
Click on the Groups tab, then click the green Add Group button.
Choose a name for the group, and select any existing users you want to add to the group.
If you don’t have any users yet, you can create an empty group and add users later.
Users can exist in multiple groups, and groups can contain users of any role.
To add additional users to a group, open the Users and Groups panel, and edit the group by clicking on the cog button.
From here, scroll through the add-on Users in your account, and check those you want to exist in that group.
Each user’s role will determine the actions they can perform when signed in. For example, a Private Viewer is a read-only role, therefore a Private Viewer can never edit data or modify maps. Learn more about the capabilities of each user role.
Deleting Groups
To delete a group, simply open the Groups tab on the Users & Groups panel, and press the red trash button.
Deleting a Group immediately revokes any view or edit permissions for all the members of the deleted Group. Deleting a group does not delete any users in that group.