We’ll make a one-time prorated charge to your preferred payment method to cover your new team member(s) for the remainder of the current billing period. Starting with the next billing period, they'll be counted towards your total bill like every other membe... Continue reading 🡒
Available on: Enterprise and Agency
Users and Groups offers powerful map and data management with fine-grained access controls – you have complete control over who can view or modify your maps, and who can view, edit, reupload, and download your datasets... Continue reading 🡒
Mango offers three add-on roles in addition to the account Administrator
Data Editors
Private Viewers
Each role determines a user's ability to perform tasks in Mango.
Account Owner
The Account Owner can:
complete control over the account... Continue reading 🡒
Available on Enterprise and Agency plans.
Administrators and Data Editors are premium add-ons. To invite users in these roles, first upgrade your add-on user quotas.
Private Viewers are free - create as many as you need, whenever you need. You can use Priv... Continue reading 🡒
Available on: Enterprise and Agency
Only the account holder can invite and manage users and groups.
Inviting Users to Your Account
Access the Users & Groups PanelNavigate to Users & Groups in your administration sidebar.
Invite a New UserClick INVITE ... Continue reading 🡒
Segment add-on Users into groups that can be assigned permissions to view and modify maps, and view and edit data.
Adding Groups
To create a new group, open the Users & Groups panel from your administration sidebar.
Click on the Groups tab, then click the g... Continue reading 🡒